This procedure consists of obtaining a very fine skin graft containing only the epidermis by application of a prolonged suction for around 2 hrs at a negative pressure over the donor site, generally upper thigh.
With the help of 20cc syringes and negative pressure blisters are formed over donor site. The recipient area is dermabraded superficially. These small blisters are cut all along their borders and then placed over the area where grafting is needed. Sometimes skin glue is also used to retain the grafts in place.
Suction blister grafting is primarily used in cases of small stable patches of leucoderma also called Vitiligo. Complete repigmentation with excellent cosmetic matching due to uniform colour is observed in 8 – 12 weeks. This procedure although time consuming is one of the safest and simplest procedure for surgical repigmentaion in stable vitiligo.
Case — Vitiligo Lip

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