Our patient Linda, (name changed) a U.K resident 68 yrs old lady had approached to our cosmetic centre for body contouring surgery i.e liposuction & tummy tuck for protruding tummy and both arms. Liposuction is a procedure to remove fatty tissue with help of small cannulas. Main indication of liposuction is:
- Fatty tissue not responding to diet/ exercise.
- Good skin condition.
- Slightly above weight/ average weight.
If last two conditions are not fulfill, then patient has to undergo tummy tuck, in which excess of skin and fatty tissue is surgically removed after doing liposuction. Patient has consulted our cosmetic surgeon and on examination she was found to be a known case of hypothyroidism and had history of two abdominal operation in past.
Our doctor’s team consists of cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Navdeep chavan, physician and anesthetist has examined and taken for operation. As per our cosmetic surgeon, operation itself not difficult but co-existing disease and her old age makes procedure difficult. It is first time in goa state this type of surgery is performed on 68 old foreigner lady at R.G. Cosmetic centre, porvorim. The operation was performed under general anesthesia and liposuction was done first in tummy region and then in both arms, about 6litre of fat was removed and excess of fatty apron was excised to obtain tummy tuck, so total amount of fat removed around 6.5litre from her body, all vitals are maintained during procedure and post recovery of patient was uneventful. Patient was discharged from hospital with no stitch removal afterwards. Patient had resumed her daily duties from 2nd day and she has to wear pressure garment for six month. Scar line were given in natural crease and hidden under her inner ware. Risks of procedure are few like skin discoloration, swelling, pain, infection and sometime irregularities.
As told by General Manager of R.G. Cosmetic surgery centre, now trend of these cosmetic surgeries, like liposuction, breast augmentation, breast reduction, face lift are increasing in foreign as well in India. Most foreigner patients are operated in India because of high cost and difficulty in getting appointment with specialist. This is the first time in goa we have operated 68 yr old foreigner lady for body contouring procedure with excellent result.
As advice given by our plastic surgeon to patients that they should undergo this procedure from doctors who are well trained in cosmetic surgery and it should be done in fully equipped setup.
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