Acne commonly known as pimples is a very common problem which usually starts in adolescence and generally resolves in mid to late twenties. It is because of hypertrophy, obstruction and subsequent infection of the oil producing glands called sebaceous glands present on our face, chest, upper back and shoulders. It is said that a person is more likely to develop acne then any other disease in his lifetime.
The severity can vary from a self resolving very mild disease consisting of few black heads to a very severe nodulocystic form which tends to leave permanent disfiguring scars. Appearance is an important factor in social and emotional functioning. Appearance, particularly facial appearance, represents an important aspect of one’s perception of body image. Though it is a cosmetic problem but its early treatment is very important not only to prevent permanent scarring but also to boost self confidence and esteem in the productive years of life.
Now a days successful medical treatment is possible which can significantly limit the disease duration, clear the acne and prevent recurrences.
Treatment options include not only topical and oral medications but also anti acne peels, phototherapy and lasers for the faster results.
Acne scar treatment is another option. The professional cosmetic surgeons use techniques like microneedling, chemical peels and other skin resurfacing techniques for accelerating the repair process. And the result is impressive. Here’s how Dr Navdeep can help in with acne scar treatment:

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